Meeting documents

  • Meeting of This Policy Advisory Group is not open to the public, Customer Services and Business Support Policy Advisory Group, Monday, 19th November, 2018 6.00 pm (Item 29.)


Members considered the Portfolio Budgets 2019/20 report which provided information on the draft revenue budget for 2019/20, including the context of the overall financial position facing the Council for the coming year, and the implications of the establishment of a unitary authority 2020/21. The report further provided summary information on the budgets and highlighted issues for consideration. Detailed information could be seen in the accompanying booklet.


During the discussion, the following key points were raised:


  • Regardless of the decision to create a new unitary authority in Buckinghamshire from 2020/21 this did not affect the requirement the Council had to set a legal and prudent budget for 2019/20 that addressed the Council’s aims and objectives, which were set out in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy. It would be necessary at a corporate level to make provision for the initial transition costs to the new unitary authority that would be incurred in 2019/20, this would be done when setting the final budget in February 2019 when there was more clarity around the transition process.
  • The final settlement from Central Government would be announced on 6 December and the final draft budgets would be consolidated for consideration by the Cabinet in February in consultation with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
  • The following items included in the report were highlighted to the PAG: Budget assumptions; summary revenue budgets and movements alongside the current year’s budget; risks; task and finish group recommendations and opportunities and plans for improvement.
  • IT systems would still need to be up to date and functioning regardless of the structure of a new authority. A number of software contracts and product licenses ran until 2020 and it was said that there would be costs involved in potentially extending these or making changes which could not be avoided. Details would be included in the IT Strategy report which would be going to February’s meeting of the Joint Committee. The move to cloud would make any potential geographical move smoother and was a common theme in each authority’s ICT Strategy.
  • Knowledge from other authorities who had experienced re-organisation had shown that not a great deal of changes to systems had been made at the date of commencement of the new authority. It was said that it was likely each authority’s respective IT systems would still be running in April 2020 whilst work on integration, interfacing and aligning systems was taking place.
  • The staff salary inflation of 2% had been agreed by the Council and was built in to the draft budgets. Gas inflation had been factored in at 0% based on the number of fixed period contracts which remained valid for the coming year.
  • The cancellation of the Customer Experience Programme would not be cost effective at this stage. The contract was now in place with the software providers and the implementation team were in post. The solution would be scalable to be delivered across the County and each authority was looking at similar programmes to enable more digital service delivery. The breakeven point of the programme was planned to occur prior to the commencement of the new unitary authority.


Having considered the advice of the Policy Advisory Group, the Portfolio Holder agreed to RECOMMEND to Cabinet to approve the following items:

1.      The 2019/20 revenue budget.

2.      The 2019/20 fees and charges.


Supporting documents: